Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag
Courier Delivery Bike Bag

Courier Delivery Bike Bag

Regular price $50.00
Tax included.

Only 5 items in stock!

Deliver those drinks/food HOT!

These chila courier bags sit perfectly on the back of your Electric Bike, allowing for a great storage solution.

- Velcro on each side.
- Adjustable divider inside to keep items from moving around.
- Carry handles and side carry straps.
- Reflective strip around the lid.
- Easy to open and shut with a large Velcro strip at the front of the bag.
- Plastic waterproofing on the outside of the bag.
- Clip together a solid plastic internal frame.
- 4 sizes: Small, Medium and Large.

Large 60ltr: 50x37x37cm (WxHxL)
Medium 50ltr: 44x34x31cm (WxHxL)
Small 40ltr: 40x30x27cm (WxHxL)

Chila bags can be quickly and easily clipped on and off of a steel tray that can be strapped to your bike, giving a good strong platform.

Why choose us?

Quality, Service, Support, Fun

We pride ourselves on actually helping you choose the right e-bike or accessory. We'll make every effort to ensure you get the best service and support you need, backed by our 12-months NZ warranty on all bikes and accessories.


What a GREAT mobility E-Trike. I have been all over Wanganui, up and down the hills with ease. It created a lot of interest from onlookers, and a few people stopped me to get a closer look. I ran the batteries down to 20% and have since recharged them, and the ebike seems to have even more power now. I have lowered the tire pressure down from 50psi to 35psi, and the ebike rides a lot smoother and runs across grass areas with ease. I also cable-tied the power cable under the seat to the battery strap to stop it from rattling against the casing. Apart from that…………you have a very satisfied customer.

Lance & Dianne Patterson

I bought the E-Scooter X-10 Professional Foldable scooter & it has been a life saver for me. I have mobility issues & can no longer go on my normal walks, so having the E-Scooter has given me my mobility back. And having a seat is extremely helpful for me, as I can sit when I need to. I have clocked up nearly 500km's on it, enjoying where I used to walk. I have also used it on the tracks from the new bridge to Linton & it is just wonderful. It is so easy to use & the 3 gears work really well. Definitely worth the investment!!!

Kerina Bradford